The following photo collections are lessons in pictures. Each of the following collections features pictures taken by Gary Horvath with commentary by Ana and Allyson Horvath. Much of their commentary is based on knowledge gained from instruction by Trisha Kroll and Jenn Pritchard (along with other coaches). By providing the commentary Ana and Allyson were presented with an opportunity to experience “learning by teaching.” Through the processing of explaining/teaching the technique they gained a better understanding about how to be better setters.

Setting Lessons in Pictures for Setters – Consistent
Setters must have good technique and be able to set consistently. Featured setters include Nicole Edelman for the University of Colorado and Lauren Plum, University of Oregon.
Setting Lessons in Pictures for Setters – Hits and Misses
The best laid plans of mice and men don’t always turn out the way they are intended. The same applies for great setters such as Nicole Edelman and Lauren Plum.
Setting Lessons in Pictures for Setters – Out of System Passes
Not all passes are perfect, which tests the setter’s ability to make perfect out-of-system passes. This set of photos features Nicole Edelman for the University of Colorado and Lauren Plum from the University of Oregon.
Setting Lessons in Pictures for Setters – Tricky
Setters must be deceptive (tricky). This set of photos features Nicole Edelman for the University of Colorado and Lauren Plum from the University of Oregon.
“Learning by teaching” is a technique that coaches can use to help athletes improve their understanding of the sports they play.