Play Practice

Over the past three decades researchers have gained a better understanding about how to teach youth to improve their skills and enjoy participation in sport. Allen Launder and Windy Piltz published the book, Play Practice – Engaging and Developing Skilled Players From Beginner to Elite that provides coaches and educators with a tool for improving skills and participation.Play Practice

A major theme of Play Practice is that commitment is essential for students to improve more efficiently. Launder and Piltz provided the following circumstances which will cause students and athletes to increase their level of commitment:
• They know exactly what is expected of them.
• They see the task as worthwhile and achievable.
• They can see that the new learning will improve their performance and that of the team.
• They understand that what they are practicing will quickly be put into a real game.
 • Practices are varied and well-paced.
 • The time remaining in a play practice is counted down.
 • Novel tasks or environments that stimulate curiosity are included.
 • Players have some degree of choice within the learning environment; for example, with equipment, rules, size of their target zone, or playing partner.
 • The number of repetitions to be completed is counted down, using the strategy employed by fitness instructors.
 • Indirect competition is used.
 • Performances in tests or challenges are recorded.
• Fantasy or simulation games are used.
• They know that they are preparing for exciting culminating activities.
• Competition is balanced and fair.

This list of 14 items is easy is to understand and implement when you look at each item by itself. It is much more difficult to incorporate all items in a play practice session of an hour. Being able to do that increases the commitment of the athletes and their level of improvement.


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