The Occupy College Sports Movement Takes Hold

There is a rumor that the Occupy Movement has moved from the streets and lawns of Denver, Oakland, and New York to athletic departments on college campuses across the country.

The Occupy Movement features the 99% “who don’t get anything” and the 1% “who get everything”.

The Occupy College Sports Movement also features two groups. First, there is the 99.9% “who really don’t get anything” (the athletes). They are the bit players/star performers who occupy college weight rooms, playing fields, and classrooms. In exchange, they are expected to represent their colleges in exemplary fashion while generating significant revenue streams for them.

Second, there is the .1% “who get everything” (the coaches, ADs, staff, universities, sponsors, et. al). From a financial perspective they are clearly the financial benefactors of college athletic programs.

Unlike the Occupy Movement, which is on life support, the Occupy College Sports Movement will ensure that the Pay for Play argument will be a source of debate for years to come.


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