
Sports such as tennis, golf, and skiing are special because they are individual sports. In sports such as volleyball, basketball, or football, an athlete can often hide behind their teammates and rely on teammates to cover their mistakes. This is not to suggest that team sports are bad, rather it points out they are different.

Tennis players gain confidence from developing their skills, competing under pressure, and learning when they make mistakes – and during the best of times they have to manage mistakes on about half the points.  They learn, discipline, patience, and persistence.

Most importantly they learn the importance of sportsmanship and fair play.

In addition, the sport provides life experiences resulting from  travel and competing against players from around the country.  Such was the case in 1983, when Danny McManus, Stephanie Volkerding, and their coach traveled to UCLA to compete in the Congoleum National Junior Tennis League playoffs.  In addition to the competition and the travel, the duo got to experience UCLA during the peak of their summer cheerleader camp season, Finally, they got to met legends Jack Kramer, Arthur Ashe, and Barry McKay (not pictured).

This section of the website includes information about playing tennis back in the day.  It also features the WTA’s Strong is Beautiful advertising campaign. Some view the WTA’s efforts as exploitation of its women athletes. Others view it as a masterpiece because it delivers a positive message about women’s tennis,  how fiercely the players compete, and how they are strong – and strong is beautiful. Finally, the resources section of the website includes a list of tennis organizations and trade associations.   Additional thoughts about the sport and business of tennis can be found in the blog on this website.