Forty years ago, only the top sports programs used video tape analysis to enhance an athlete’s performance. Video tape equipment was extremely expensive, it was temperamental to use, and the quality of the tape was inferior, by today’s standards.
Over the years, Dartfish established itself as a leader in sports video analysis. Its software allowed for easy analysis of an athlete’s performance, including slow motion and side-by-side comparisons. While Dartfish products were a significant improvement, their system was still fairly expense.
Today, most cameras and cell phones have the ability to capture high quality video and multiple apps allow for video analysis. In short, it is possible for parents, little league coaches, and tennis professionals to video their athletes and provide instant feedback.
For example, Ubersense allows coaches to record high definition video and playback frame-by-frame. It includes slow motion analysis, zoom and advanced drawing tools, and the ability to compare videos side-by-side. In short, coaches have access to video capabilities that far exceed the capabilities of 40 years ago, at a fraction of the cost.
In addition to Ubersense, parents and coaches may want to consider apps such as Coach’s Eye, FastCam, or SloPro.