Sports Illustrated Vault – Top Women Covers

Which female athlete has most frequently adorned the covers of Sports Illustrated?

The answers can easily be found in the SI Vault ( The website includes a database that allows sports enthusiasts to conduct searches on articles, covers, galleries, and swimsuit issues. These searches provide an interesting perspective on what has been important in sports since SI began publishing in 1954.

The purpose of the following analysis is to identify the female athletes who most frequently adorned the SI covers and to look for other interesting trends. In December, 40 female athletes were selected for analysis. Their names, as listed in the charts below, were placed in the advanced search engine (exact phrase). Note that slightly different frequencies occurred when the names were placed in the general search box. It was also necessary to be aware of multiple athletes with the same name. As well, there were challenges associated with identifying tallies for women who played their sport under maiden and married names.

Keep in mind, the purpose of this analysis is not to identify the best athlete; rather the intent is to point out the athletes that adorned the SI covers most often. Athletes such as Suzanne Lenglen passed away before SI began publishing, so her coverage is minimal compared to current players. There are a number of factors that can determine whether an athlete makes the front cover or just receives mention in an article or picture gallery. The following questions address these factors:
• When did the athlete play?
• Did they participate in a team sport or an individual sport?
• How long has their sport been in existence, for example snowboarding is a relatively new sport?
• Did the athlete play in a major sport or a minor sport?
• Did the athlete play in a small market or a major market? Did they compete internationally?
• Who did the athlete have as sponsors and how well were they marketed?
• Was the athlete a flashy player who drew attention, such as Anna Kournikova, or were they a steady performer like Mary Jo Fernandez?
• How has the interest level in their sport changed over time? Are people as interested in that sport as they once were?
• Were there lockouts or strikes during an athlete’s career that prevented additional exposure?
• Did the athlete experience injuries that reduced media coverage?
• Were there other events that were more significant or overshadowed the significance of an athlete’s performance?
• Was it a “slow sports day”, which allowed for certain athletes to receive greater coverage?
It is interesting to note who has been on the cover most frequently, but it can be equally as intriguing to consider the factors that may have caused or prevented greater coverage.

The data suggests that there are a handful of athletes who might be considered media icons. While the men had media icons such as Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, and Muhammad Ali, no women received the same level of coverage as they did. Jordan was on the cover of SI 58 times, yet Martina Navratilova filled the spot only 9 times. The results also showed that only 10 of the 40 women in the sample appeared on the SI cover more than twice.

It is particularly interesting to note that 8 of the top 12 spots are filled by women’s tennis players. Would that be a function of the WTA’s efforts to market their women players and the sport or was that a result of a weak field on the men’s side?

It is also interesting to note that none of the 40 women were mentioned in articles more than 1,000 times. Half of the 50 men were mentioned more than 1,000 times.

In 1972 Title IX was put in place to give women an equal opportunity to participate in sports. Clearly, playing and coaching opportunities for women have increased drastically since then. Right or wrong, this basic analysis suggests that media coverage of men’s and women’s sports occurs at significantly different levels.

Analysis of the SI database is included in the December 2, 8, and 20 blog posts. The three discussions identify the sports, major sporting events, male athletes, and female athletes to most frequently adorn the front cover.


Sports Illustrated Vault – Top Men Covers

Which male athlete has most frequently graced the covers of Sports Illustrated?

The answers can easily be found in the SI Vault ( The website includes a database that allows sports enthusiasts to conduct searches on articles, covers, galleries, and swimsuit issues. These searches provide an interesting perspective on what has been important in sports since SI began publishing in 1954.

The purpose of the following analysis is to identify the male athletes who most frequently adorned the SI covers and to look for other interesting trends. In December, 50 male athletes were selected for analysis. Their names, as listed in the charts below, were placed in the advanced search engine (exact phrase). Note that slightly different frequencies occurred when the names were placed in the general search box. It was also necessary to be aware of multiple athletes with the same name, such as Bill Russell, and adjust the search accordingly.

Keep in mind, the purpose of this analysis is not to identify the best athlete; rather the intent is to point out the athletes that adorned the SI covers most often. Athletes such as Lou Gehrig passed away before SI began publishing, so his coverage is minimal compared to current players. There are a number of factors that can determine whether an athlete makes the front cover or just receives mention in an article or picture gallery. The following questions address these factors:
• When did the athlete play?
• Did they participate in a team sport or an individual sport?
• How long has their sport been in existence, for example snowboarding is a relatively new sport?
• Did the athlete play in a major sport or a minor sport?
• Did the athlete play in a small market or a major market? Did they compete internationally?
• Who did the athlete have as sponsors and how well were they marketed?
• Was the athlete a flashy player who drew attention, such as John McEnroe, or were they a steady performer like Brian Gottfried?
• How has the interest level in their sport changed over time? Are people as interested in that sport as they once were?
• Were there lockouts or strikes during an athlete’s career that prevented additional exposure?
• Did the athlete experience injuries that reduced media coverage?
• Were there other events that were more significant or overshadowed the significance of an athlete’s performance?
• Was it a “slow sports day”, which allowed for certain athletes to receive greater coverage?
It is interesting to note who has been on the cover most frequently, but it can be equally as intriguing to consider the factors that may have caused or prevented greater coverage.

The data suggests that there are a handful of athletes who are media icons. Michael Jordan is one of them. He was on the SI cover 58 times followed in a distant 2nd and 3rd place by Tiger Woods and Muhammad Ali. Based on the data below, Tim Tebow will likely become the next icon if he turns out to be the real deal.

Woods tops the list for being in the most articles (6,983) followed by Jordan, Nicklaus, Mickelson, Manning, Favre, Bonds, and Brady. The latter group was each mentioned in 2,700 to 3,700 articles. The group of top 10 athletes represented football (3), basketball (3), golf (2), boxing (1), and baseball (1).

(Analysis of the SI database is included in the December 2, 8, and 20 blog posts. The three discussions identify the sports, major sporting events, male athletes, and female athletes to most frequently adorn the front cover.)

Sports Illustrated Vault – Top Sports and Event Covers

Are you a sports enthusiast looking for a way to take a walk down memory lane?

Sports Illustrated has just the ticket – the SI Vault – Your Link to Sports History( The website includes a database that allows sports enthusiasts to conduct searches on SI articles, covers, galleries, and swimsuit issues. These searches provide an interesting perspective on what has been important in sports since SI began publishing in 1954.

In December I conducted a couple of searches in the database to answer the following questions:
• Which of 15 sports was featured most often on the cover?
• Which of 3 major sporting events was featured most frequently on the cover?
• Which of a group of 7 topics was most frequently discussed in SI?
As well, the purpose of this study was to also provide a moderately rigorous analysis of the SI database to identify interesting trends, i.e. the process is not rigorous enough to publish in an academic journal.

The analysis methodology was simple. The category names listed in the charts below were placed in the advanced search engine (exact phrase). Note that slightly different frequencies may result by placing the category names in the general search box.

The results shows that football has been featured on the front cover most often. Although baseball is our national pastIn fact, it ended up second, slightly ahead of basketball.

After the top three, the numbers drop off quickly. Golf, boxing, and hockey were 4th, 5th and 6th, followed by track, tennis, and horse racing. Although track, hockey, soccer, and tennis fall below boxing in the number of covers they had a greater number of articles written about them.

The World Series and Super Bowl had essentially the same number of covers; however, the World Series has been in existence for much longer than the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl will likely become the major sporting event that most frequently graces the SI covers. The Final Four was a distant third. The gap between the number of SI covers for it and the World Series will probably be narrowed in the years ahead.

Both the Super Bowl and World Series had a similar number of articles written about them as the sports of hockey, soccer, and tennis. That illustrates the importance of these 3 athletic/entertainment events.

A sample of 7 topics was selected to try to understand the extent to which SI covered the darker side of sports and athletics. Scandals made the cover 5 times and drugs made it 4 times. Although betting and politics did not make the cover, they received significant coverage in the articles.

With the end of the football season on the horizon, the SI Vault may provide a way to spend Sunday afternoons until the golf course gets open.  Give it a try.

(Analysis of the SI Vault database is included in the December 2, 8, and 20 blog posts. The three discussions identify the sports, major sporting events, male athletes, and female athletes to most frequently adorn the front cover.)