

Over the years I have worked in various sectors of the public and private sector. This includes managing sports programs in private and non-profit organizations. What I learned from that experience is that many of the principles of sports and the business world are interchangeable.

As well, I have conducted research on many aspects of the economy, including major industry and cluster analyses and state level employment and economic forecasts. The performance of the economy impacts sports teams. As well, the performance of sports teams can have an impact on the local economy. My experience in this area taught me that there is no free lunch, i.e. everything is related in some fashion.

Sadly, I have watched parents fight under the bleachers at their siblings’ baseball games and watched in horror as recreation departments had no clue about the differences between games, play, sports, and athletics. It is no wonder the country has an obesity problem among our youth.

I have known child prodigies who burned out by the time they were 15 years old and I have experienced the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. At the same time I have experienced the joys of coaching players when they hit their first volleyball serve in as well as when it became necessary for them to move from the area to become top ranked national athletes.

Sports is a microcosm of life. The intent of this blog is to touch issues related to sports other than the numbers on the scoreboard.

Best wishes.