Ohio State University president (and former CU president), Gordon Gee was criticized for comments he made about the teams from the Big Ten and SEC. Gee stated that these schools deserve to play in the BCS bowl games more than schools such as TCU because they play a ‘murderer’s row’ of opponents and we do not play the Little Sisters of the Poor.
The December 3, 2010 issue of the Daily Camera quoted Gee as reporting to the criticism by saying, “What do I know about college football? I look like Orville Redenbacher. I have no business talking about college football.”
At least Gee has a sense of humor.
Has Gee, forgotten that over the past 15 years college and university presidents have taken greater control over the NCAA?
At least he didn’t belittle the academic programs of the schools that play the Little Sisters of the Poor (as was done by University of Colorado President Bruce Benson).
Golly Gee whiz.