The 2014 football season marked the 50th year that Fort Lewis College has fielded a football team as a four-year college. Over that time they have been the worst college football team in Colorado. They have won only 32% of their games, with a win-loss record of 155-330-3.
The Aggies/Raiders/Skyhawks record can be summed up as follows:
• They have had 9 winning seasons in 50 years.
• They were never undefeated nor did they ever have a season with one loss.
• On two occasions they were 7-2.
• During their 9 winning seasons they were 55-27-2. They won 65% of their games.
• During their 41 non-winning seasons they were 100-303-1. They won almost 25% of their games.
• They had three seasons with no wins and another six seasons with only one win. Those nine seasons they had 6 wins and 80 losses.
In other words, about 20% of the time, the team was successful, about 20% of the time they were an embarrassment to college athletics, and the rest of the time they played like the Bad News Bears.
It doesn’t make sense for Fort Lewis College to continue a losing tradition, especially when sports such soccer, cross country, lacrosse, and cycling are a better fit for the campus, its lifestyle, and the image the school is trying to project.