Should Scholarships be Granted for One or Four Years?

If you were a current or prospective college athlete, would you rather sign a one-year renewable scholarship contract or a four-year agreement?

Until this past spring, colleges could only offer one-year renewable agreements. In February, the NCAA changed the rule when college presidents voted to allow four-year contracts.

Interestingly enough, CU-Boulder voted against the measure. Acting in the true spirit of a research university, the Buff leadership polled its athletes and found they were overwhelmingly in favor of one-year renewable scholarships.

Buff athletes indicated that a lot can happen over the course of 4 years. Coaches can change, there is turnover among players, injuries occur, priorities change – in other words “Life Happens.” It was also felt that players would have greater commitment to the program if their contracts were renewed each year.

If an athlete isn’t performing or no longer fits in with the team, the coach should be able to help the student find a different situation that works to everyone’s benefit.

While there are some compelling arguments for the four-year scholarship contracts, hats off to the Buff athletes for their insight. The adminstration is also to be commended for seeking the opinions of its athletes and voting on the topic in the manner that best suited their wishes.